Basecamp Tree Plantation and Nursery
For years local people cut trees in and around the Maasai Mara for firewood. Cattle allowed to overgraze trampled seedlings. Generations later the area is badly deforested resulting in a myriad of environmental challenges. BCTP is set on reversing the damage. They operate a tree plantation near the entrance to Basecamp Maasai Mara. The plantation ships seedlings to local schools in an effort to educate communities on the importance of forest preservation. So far, they have planted 75,000 trees. The goal is 500,000. In 2006, Basecamp hosted Barack Obama and his family. Each member of the Obama family planted a seedling in the Basecamp Tree Plantation. The ‘Obama Forest’ can be seen on the right-hand side as you enter the camp. We encourage our travelers to follow the example set by the Obama family, and plant a tree.